Dreaming of Fruits & Vegetables Meaning
Dreaming of Fruits – Dreaming fruits & vegetable meanings are generally very auspicious for the coming life period. Eating fruits and vegetables have a different meaning from seeing fruits and vegetables in a dream.
However, their actual meaning differs from culture to culture and place to place of people.
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Some common dreams are discussed below:
Dreaming of fruits guava meaning(अमरुद खाना)
It is an auspicious dream. Eating guava in a dream means you will get wealth and become rich in the near future.
Read – Why you should eat Guava Daily
Dreaming of Fruit Pineapple (अनानास खाना )
Eating pineapple in a dream means that you will get relief from your problems you are suffering from currently, but it will take some time.
Dreaming of Ginger Meaning (अदरक खाना)
Eating ginger in a dream means you will get respect and fame from your friends and family in the coming time.
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Dreaming of Fruits Pomegranate Leaves (अनार के पत्ते खाना)
Eating leaves of pomegranate in a dream is a sure indication of your marriage in the near future. Eating pomegranate in a dream means you will get wealth in the near future.
What happens when you dream Marriage? Read…
Dreaming of Fruits Walnut (अखरोट देखना )
Dream of walnut is an indication of being rich, and getting happiness in life.
How to Live Happily? Says Shiva
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Read – You will be shocked to know the benefits of Walnut
Dreaming about Oregano (अजवैन खाना )
Eating carom or oregano in a dream means an improvement in your health.
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Dreaming about Pigeon pea (अरहर देखना )
Dreaming Pigeon pea is auspicious and indicates happiness in life. Consuming Pigeon pea is not an auspicious dream it indicates stomach ache and being sick.
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Dreaming Colocasia or Arbi Vegetable (अरबी देखना)
Deam of Arbi is not a good dream it means you are going to be sick. It gives a headache and stomach ache both.
Dreaming of Fruits Grapes Meaning
Eating grapes in a dream is a good dream it indicates an improvement in your health.
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Dreaming about potato meaning (आलू देखना)
Dream of potato indicates you will get enough food in life and there will be no shortage of any food in the life.
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Dreaming of Fruits Gooseberry (आंवला देखना)
Dream of gooseberry is not an auspicious dream it means your wish may not be true in the future.
But eating gooseberry in a dream is a very good dream it ensures that your wish will be fulfilled in the near future.
Dreaming of Fruits Mango (आम खाते देखना)
Dream of mango is an auspicious dream it means you will get child and wealth in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get huge Money, Read…..
Dreaming about ice cream (आइसक्रीम खाना)
Consuming ice cream in a dream is a good dream it ensures that you will get mental peace in life.
Dreaming eggs meaning
If you dream eggs it means you are going to involve in some useless debates or quarrels in the near future.
Dreaming about pickle (अचार खाना)
Dreaming pickles and eating pickles both are not good dreams. Such dreams give you a headache and stomach ache in the coming time.
Dreaming of Fruits Pumpkin Meaning (कदू देखना)
Dream of ash gourd or Pumpkin gives you stomach ache in the near future.
Read- 100 diseases and 1 solution, Ash Gourd or Safed Petha
Dreaming of Fruits Meaning Cashew (काजू)
Dream of eating Cashew is an auspicious dream it indicates that you are going to start some new business.
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Dreaming of Fruits Pumpkin (खरबूजा देखना)
Dream of pumpkin ensures you that you will get success in your endeavor in which you are involved.
Lal Kitab Remedies to be successful in business and job, Read…..
Dreaming about anything Bitter (खटाई खाना)
Dream of eating anything bitter is not a good dream it indicates loss of wealth in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dream of milk meaning
Dreaming about milk is auspicious for you. If you see milk full of foam or bubbles it means you will get financial benefit in the near future. But if you see only milk it means your all enemies have been calmed now and you should not worry about their side.
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Dreaming flesh
Dreaming flesh is a good omen. It is an indication that you will get financial benefits soon in the future.
If you eat flesh in a dream it means you will get wealth in the near future.
If you see white-colored flesh in a dream or eating white flesh it means you will get money in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming about drinking water
Seeing water in a dream is a good omen. But if you are sinking into the water it means something wrong is going to happen in the near future or you have to face some enmity in the near future.
Dreaming hot water is an indication of a health problem in the near future.
Read – These diseases can be cured by Water
Dream of drinking dirty water
If you dream that you are drinking dirty water or eating salad it means you will feel downfall in the near future due to any reason.
Dreaming about jaggery (गुढ खाना)
Dream of jaggery is an auspicious dream it ensures your success in your efforts.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming about seed (गुठली)
Dream of seed is a good a dream it means you will get wealth in the coming time.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming about butter (घी)
Dream of butter is an auspicious dream it indicates that you will get more wealth and richness in the coming time.
Lal Kitab Remedies to be RICH, Read…..
Dreaming about Chatni (चटनी)
Eating Chatni in Dream indicates pains and sufferings in the coming lifetime.
Dreaming about chocolate (चोकलेट)
Eating chocolate is an auspicious dream it ensures a happy time and success in the coming lifetime.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming about tea (चाय)
Dreaming about tea is a good dream it gives you wealth, prosperity, and richness in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming about bitter salt (चूरन)
Eating any kind of tasty bitter salt is an indication of relief from the disease in which you are suffering from a long time.
Read – Single tip to keep you Fit
Dream of eating salad (सलाद)
Dream about eating salad is an auspicious dream and ensures you that you will get more money in the near future.
Read – The Dreams that can make you supper Rich
Dreaming about Mustard Leaves (Sarso or सरसों का साग)
Eating Mustard or Sarso vegetable in a dream is an indication that you are going to get relief from the disease you are suffering from a long time.
Dreaming about seeing Mustard or Sarso means that you will get a huge profit in your business.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dream of Runner Bean (Sem ki Fali or सेम की फली )
Dreaming about Runner Bean is an indication of loss of wealth but it ensures that you will eat a rich food in spite of the loss of wealth in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming of Fruits Apple Meaning (सेब)
Dreaming about apple means you will get joy and woe equally in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming of jalebi sweet (जलेबी)
Seeing Jalebi in a dream is an auspicious dream it ensures more prosperity and happiness in life.
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Dreaming of Fruits Meaning Watermelon (तरबूज)
Dreaming about watermelon is an indication of prosperity and richness. It ensures that you will get more wealth in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dream of roasting bread on Tava (तवे पर रोटी सेकना)
Dreaming about the roasting of s bread on the iron plate is a sign that you will get more wealth and wellness in the near future.
Lal Kitab Remedies to get wealth and prosperity, Read…..
Dreaming about eating Dhatura (धतूरा)
Eating Dhatura in a dream means you will escape from the troubles in the near future.
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Dreaming about Bow ( धनुष)
Dream of a Bow is a very auspicious and rare dream. It indicates that you will be successful in all the work you will plan to do in the near future. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dreaming about eating salt (नमक)
Dreaming about salt is not a good dream it means that you will be trapped in some quarrel. It is a warning dream to alert you.
Dreaming of seeing salt (नमक )
Dream of salt means your diseases are going to over and it also indicates that you will get profit in your business. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dreaming Cruet or Salt Celler (नमकदानी)
Dream of Cruet, Salt cellar or (नमकदानी) means to get happiness and prosperity in family life. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dream of Cheese (पनीर)
Dreaming cheese is an indication of an increase in your wealth and richness. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dreaming of Fruits Meaning Eating Papaya (Hindi: पपीता)
Read – Why Papaya is called the richest fruit
Eating papaya in a dream is an indication of a stomach ache or any other problem related to the stomach.
Onion in Dream
Eating onion (Hindi: प्याज) in a dream or giving someone to eat it both are inauspicious dreams. It is an indication of happening something bad in life. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dreaming of Fruits Almond Meaning (Hindi: बादाम)
Eating almonds in a dream is not a good dream. It is an indication of a severe health problem. You have to admit in the hospital due to a health problem.
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Seeing almond in a dream is a very good dream. It means you will get huge wealth in the coming lifetime.
A dream of a ladyfinger vegetable (Hindi: भिन्डी )
Dream of a ladyfinger means huge success, pleasure, and prosperity. It also means that you are going to lethargy in the coming life.
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Dream of eating Cream
Eating cream in a dream means you will become richer in the coming time period. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dreaming of Fruits Chilly Meaning
Eating a Chilly in a dream means you will get success in all your work in the coming time period.
Dream of Sweets
Eating sweets in a dream or distributing sweets in a dream both are auspicious dreams.
It indicates that all your work will be fulfilled in the near future and you will get success in the work in which you are struggling for a long time.
Dreaming of Fruits Rasbhari (रसभरी)
Dream of eating Rasbhari is an auspicious dream. It indicates that you going to get married very soon.
Dream of Rasgulla (रसगुल्ला)
Dream of Rasgulla is a good dream. It means an increment in your wealth and prosperity.
Dream of Bread (Hindi रोटी)
Eating bread or making bread both are not good dreams it is an indication of diseases and troubles that may occur very soon in your family.
Distributing bread in a dream is a good dream it means profit and prosperity.
Dreaming of throwing bread or seeing lying bread means you are going a foreign country very soon.
Dream of Garlic
Seeing Garlic in a dream means you are going richer but you have to face loss in the business of vegetables and wheat.
Dream of Lobia (लोबिया)
Eating Lobia in a dream is an auspicious dream. It means huge wealth and growth in business.
Dream of Loki Vegetable (लौकी)
Dreaming Gourd is auspicious. If you see Gourd it means you will get some good news. It is also an indication of getting wealth and promotions.
Dream Honey Bee (शहद की मक्खी)
Seeing Honey bee means a rich life and getting huge money in the coming lifetime.
Dreaming of Fruits Custard Apple Meaning (शरीफा)
Dream of Custard apple indicates your health. It ensures you to enjoy a good and healthy life in the coming time.
Dreaming of Fruits Mulberry (शहतूत)
Dreaming about Mulberry ensures you that you will enjoy good food throughout life. How to Attract Positive Energy at Home and Office to Stay Happy? , Read…
Dream of Drinking Hubble Bubble (हुक्का)
Enjoying Hubble-bubble (Hukka) in a dream or let others enjoying the Hubble Bubble (Hukka) means growing or enriching your friend list. You will get more and more friends in the coming lifetime.
Seeing another person enjoying the Hubble bubble means may be your some time will get wasted in the coming time period.
Dream of Eating Curd (Hindi: दही)
Dreaming curd means getting wealth in the coming lifetime.
Dreaming Eating Oatmeal (Hindi: दलिया)
Seeing oatmeal in a dream or eating oatmeal in a dream both mean health problems in the coming lifetime.
Dream of Eating Medicine (Hindi: दवा)
Dreaming about medicine means a growing friend list with a good friend. If in case you see that medicine falls down in a dream it means you are growing cure.
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Dream of Eating Pulses (दाल )
Falling down pulses down on clothes in a dream is an auspicious dream. But drinking pulses means obstacles in your work.
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