5 Most Unsuccessful Zodiac signs in love

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5 Most Unsuccessful Zodiac signs in love

Zodiac signs in love: Love is the most beautiful part of everyone’s life. Not only beautiful but an essential need of life. Love arises in the heart and ends in the heart.

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Who will be your beloved for how much time? It all depends on your destiny and your Karma.

Not only love but everything that you enjoy in your life is just due to your past and present Karma.

Which forces you to fall in love? Read…



Due to your destiny or past Karma, you born in a certain zodiac sign.

Five zodiac signs are very common whose hurt the most in love. These zodiac signs definitely suffer from heart breakage, pains, and sufferings in love. Not only once but repeatedly they face pain in love.

This pain they face due to their nature only, not due to the nature of their beloved.

The most hurtful zodiac sign in love is the Taurus sign.


Zodiac signs in love – Taurus


Taurus symbol


Taurus people are very emotional not only in love but otherwise too. The main reason why they face severe pain is their nature, their personality, and their expectation from their beloved.

The problem with the Taurus sign is that they never find someone who seems suitable for their love. They never find a compatible partner for their love.

This is why they have to face breakage in love again and again recurrently.


Zodiac signs in love – Pisces


pisces woman


Pisces sign is the most mature sign in the zodiac sign. This is the last sign of the system.

Pisces sign is a very sad and alone sign due to their tendency and outlook. They search for a partner who can understand them and react in accordance with their desires.

Due to the possessive and emotional nature, Pisces has to face a lot of pain and suffering in love repeatedly.

How a Pisces reacts in love, read…


Zodiac signs in love – Scorpio

Scorpio is a very possessive sign and very deep in love and affection.

If they love someone, they deeply dissolve in that love and expect the same from another side too which is not possible.

They surrender completely in the love and expect the same kind of surrender. Hence, they feel hurt and pain in love.

How a Scorpio reacts in love, read…


Zodiac signs in love – Gemini


gemini best match


Gemini sign is like a pendulum. Gemini never sticks on one thing.

They quickly change their interest in love and expect the same quick change from the beloved.

This is totally impractical and becomes the cause of pain for the Gemini.

It becomes difficult for the love partner to change themselves quickly as the Gemini partner wants.

Due to the nature of Gemini, soon conflict arises and ends the love.

How a Gemini reacts in love, read…


Zodiac signs in love – Capricorn

Capricorn is a very unrealistic and dreamy zodiac sign.

They develop an image for their partner and when their partner is not adjusted in that image, their heart broke down and they become disappointed in love.

How a Capricorn reacts in love, read…

Zodiac signs in love – Cancer


love signs


Cancer zodiac sign expects a lot from the love partner. But it is difficult for the partner to fulfill the expectation of the Cancer and the result is suffering and pain in love for the Cancer sign.

Cancer wishes their partner to react and work according to the wish of the Cancer, but this is not possible for the other person to change their nature according to the Cancer.

How cancer reacts in love, read…




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