What is Self actualization How does One Achieve it

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What is Self-actualization?

“Self-actualization is the oxygen for the soul.”

Self-actualization is similar to the words and concepts such as self-discovery, self-reflection, self-realization, and self-exploration, etc. It means to find your true identity your true divine nature.

To understand Self-actualization it is required getting the answer to the following questions:-

How did people come to know about God and his existence?

Are we just following our ancestors, who are leading our generation?

Indeed, leading ancestors, have a role to speak and spread the existence of GOD,  but how many people follow the sayings of ancestors in the context of GOD existence.

Literature and Vedas speak the story of GOD, but how many people hear the Vedas and have faith in the GOD.

All are drowned in the ocean of doubts due to the jugglery of illusion (“Maya”).

And nobody wishes to come out of the ocean. Knowing the existence of GOD is purely soul learning or a spiritual journey. GOD can’t be understood by teachings and sayings.

The soul or supreme soul is in you, but you are unknown about your potential and your true identity. You can understand it only by the grace of almighty GOD.


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How did people come to know about GOD & God’s existence?

All the people over here in this universe are living in the different levels of consciousness or the state of self-actualization, it’s awareness and awakening.

This is the biggest reason why we all are different in the state of mood, choices of food, wearing, passion, attitude, nature, taste, behavior, traits, merits, demerits, and many more things, and in fact, this is the beauty of nature and the life too.

What is Self-actualization?


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Self-actualization is the understanding, realization, or fulfillment of one’s talents and potentialities, especially it is considered as a drive or needs present in every living being acquired by the birth due to the experiences of past life (soul growth) as well as present life too.

Due to different levels of self-actualization, all people are driven by different types of forces of needs and aspirations.

There are 5 levels of self-exploration as given by famous psychologist Maslow.


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Level 1: People present on level 1 of Self-actualization are driven by Physiological needs, such as needs for food, sleep, and sex, etc.

The maximum people present on the earth come at this level. Hence, it is said – man is a social animal. These are the needs present in the animal and human both.


Level 2: On this level of Self-actualization people driven by the need for safety, security, and protection, etc.

This is a higher level than the level of the previous one level 1. Comparatively less number of people lie on this level.

On this level, people remain to worry about safety and security also in addition to food, water, and sex.


Level  3: People driven by the need for belongingness and love on this level of Self-actualization.

This is a higher level than the previous two levels. Comparatively fewer people come on this Self-actualization level.

These people care about relations, friends, and family more.


Level  4: People driven by the need for self-esteem, self-respect, and healthy positive feelings derived from admiration, etc.

on this level of Self-actualization. These people are very down to earth and full of good vides and positive aura.

They have a magnetic personality and they are liked by the public and family.


Level  5: People are driven by the “being” needs concerning creative self-growth, engendered from the fulfillment of potential and meaning in life.


At level 5 again people are on different levels of self-realization or self-understanding, but all these people are curious about the self, life, meaning of life, soul and GOD, etc.

This is the level wherein very few people sometimes GOD’s desire is aroused and this is called “Brahma Iccha”.


“To realize the state of self-actualization, do the good things for others”


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If once you decided to find the GOD, you will find him, no doubt.

But it needs firm determination and unshaken love for GOD.

This is not new, so many saints found the GOD as Saints Kabeer, Tulsi, Soordas, mother Meera, Sai Baba, Jesus, Ram Krishan Paramhansa, and many more.

Our Vedas and scriptures have so many such kinds of stories. It doesn’t matter people have faith in them and in their sayings or not.

In fact, the truth is not a slave of anyone’s belief.

Once, a person somehow by the grace of God is able to realize his/her soul, he/she can also realize the source of the soul or GOD too.

After soul or GOD realization the person always remains in the company of the GOD.

Such a person releases his remaining energy left in the energy chakras and in the end dissolves into the GOD.

This is the crux of the whole soul journey. This is the only way how people come to know about God and their existence.

Self Actualization and Life lessons

God teaches us about his existence via various life lessons of pains and pleasures. Adversities are the best teachers.

Prosperity takes away you from the GOD. Troubles, diseases, and incapabilities bring you close to the GOD and force you to do prayers.

If in case, somehow your prayer is responded to by the almighty GOD you see miracles and give this credit to your potential, which again develops your ego and again departs you from the GOD.

But sometimes GOD responds to you clearly as people talk together, only then you become aware of the GOD and the GOD’s existence, but this is very rare, and such soul remains close to GOD and in the end, dissolves into the GOD.


“You are not a drop in an ocean, but you are an ocean in a drop”


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