Leo and Libra Compatibility in Love Marriage Friendships

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Leo and Libra Compatibility (सिंह- तुला)

Leo Zodiac Sign, July 21 to August 20

Zodiac Sign Libra September 21 to October 20

Zodiac Sign Leo

Leo controls the month of August. Leo begins from July 21, but for 7 days being overlapped by the previous sign of Cancer, it does not come into its full power until about July 28.

From July 28 it remains in its full strength until August 20. It is then for 7 days it gradually losing its power due to becoming overlapped by the incoming sign Virgo.

People under this sign means from July 21 to August 20 and in the cusp to August 27 are endowed with the characteristics of Leo – the Lion. Leo Main characteristics are as follows:

Read more – Leo Personality Traits 


Leo and Capricorn
Leo and Capricorn

Zodiac Sign Libra

Libra controls the month of October.

Zodiacal Sign of Libra commences on or about September 20, but for 7 days being overlapped by the “cusp” of preceding sign: Virgo, it does not come in its full strength until September 28.

From these dates onward it remains in its full strength until October 20. After 20th October it gradually loses its power on account of becoming overlapped by the force of the incoming sign: Scorpio.

The symbol of Libra is represented by “The Balance”. Important personality traits are as below: 

Read more – Libra Personality Traits


Libra traits
Libra Personality traits


Leo and Libra Friendship and Love Relationship

Leo as a lover

Leos are ideal lovers. They are very attractive in look, influencing in voice and sincere in holding love relationship.

They are experts in making love and remain loyal in love. They are liked and cared for by their object of love.

They hold their love till the end of life. They have an independent nature that attracts the opposite gender a lot.


Libra as a lover

People of Libra sign are a very ideal lover and religiously manage their love relations. They are very attractive in look and communication. They speak sweetly and attract the opposite gender easily.

They have a magnetic personality and a magnetic voice. They are very conscious of their words they speak their dress and look.

They deeply understand the meaning of love and their object of love. They can’t remain alone during the troubles they need their love partner when they have pain and sorrow.

They help their partner and expect the same from the other side too.

Don’t miss – What your Zodiac says, about the way you fall in love?


Leo and Libra Compatibility Love, Sex, Communication, Emotion, Sharing, Trust and Values

Leo and Libra Compatibility Love and Sex

Leo is governed by the Sun which is the planet of confidence and passion. Libra is governed by Venus which is a star of love and sex.

When Leo and Libra come together they easily become open to each other and enjoy love and sex with great feelings of love and respect.

They are always ready to apply new ways of love and sex and enjoy their life till the end of life in a balanced and passionate style.

Libra and Leo, Love and Sex Grade: 9/10


Leo and Libra Compatibility in Communication

Leo is a sign of fire and Libra is a sign of air element.

In this union of fire and air both the partners fit together beautifully and always respect the partner, encourage the partner, and support each other whether the communication is related to home or profession.

Sometimes when Libra partner feels competition and jealousy due to the high confidence of the Leo partner then this relationship hurts and difficulty arises.

To cope with this scenario Libra must be too mature to manage and learn things from the situations and should behave accordingly and support the partner.

Libra  and Leo Communication Grade: 8/10


Leo and Libra Compatibility in Emotion

Libra and Leo both are emotional signs, hence, when both the partners join the love relationship they love, care, respect, and do marriage.

Leo and Libra understand much to each other without saying words and therefore, react accordingly. Their love is real and leads each other positively in the right direction.

Libra and Leo Emotion Grade: 9/10


Leo and Libra Compatibility in sharing activities

Leo likes to stay, rest, and sleep at home a lot. Libra is very careful about words and communication.

For Libra language and word selection in communication is very much important.

Both share everything from small to detail events with each other without hesitation.

There is one gray area in this union that is the indecisive nature of Libra partner which beyond the scope of understanding of the Leo partner.

Leo and Libra shared activities Grade: 7/10


Leo and Libra Compatibility in Trust

Leo and Libra both trust in each other due to similar traits of public acceptance and preferences. Leo is born dominating, attractive, magnetic, and wonderful performer.

They show off things and like to be the center of the public. They do a task to get public praise and this is also the same for the Libra sign.

Libra also possesses a magnetic personality but in a more balanced manner than the Leo sign. For Libra public image is very crucial and Libra always conscious and cares this more than Leo.

Libra and Leo Trust Grade: 7/10


Leo and Libra Compatibility in Values

Leo values fun, enjoyment, leadership, and shows off while Libra values family, friends, love, and care.

Leo wishes to lead the people. Libra also enjoys show off and lead the people but in a balanced manner.

Leo wants to lead, and control the family while Libra likes to bind the members of the family by care, affection, and a proper balance.

Libra and Leo Value System: 7/10


Leo Woman and Libra Man Compatibility

Leo woman and Libra man is a wonderful match. It is a very compatible and long-lasting pair which pleases and satisfies both the zodiac signs.

Libra man and Leo woman both are open to one another and share their inner feelings with each other.

Libra man expects respect and care from the partner and Leo woman always ready to do respect and care to her partner whether the conditions are favorable or against.

Hence the match is perfect, long-lasting and stable.


Leo Man and  Libra Woman Compatibility

This match is full of love and care. There is wonderful love chemistry. Leo man and Libra woman have wonderful compatibility in all most everything.

Both seem complementary to each other. Leo man wants to lead the partner and Libra woman feels like to follow the Leo partner.

Libra woman ready to surrender before the Leo man and Leo respects the Libra woman and gives full security to her.

This union is full of love, care, and involvement by heart, soul, and mind.  Libra remains convinced by the Leo man in almost everything and Leo appreciates the partner as and when needed.

Both the partners respect the feelings of each other and always ready to supports the partner in need.


Leo and Libra Compatibility in Friendship, Love, and Sex


This is a wonderful match and a beautiful love story made in heaven and alive on the earth.

Both the partners love and care for each other as and when needed and enjoy life.

Leo and Libra are complementary to each other. Leo and Libra compatible with one another in romance and love.  

Leo is a practical, stable, sincere, and emotional sign and believes in doing.

Libra is the greatest example of balance in life and always ready to coordinate with its Leo partner whether the circumstances are favorable or not.

Both man and woman care for each other and make the relationship stable and beautiful throughout life.


Leo Marriage, Union, and Partnership

These people find most harmonious relationships with the person born in their own sign Leo July 21 to August 20, November 20 to December 21 Sagittarius, March 21 to April 19 Aries, and in the 7 days of the cusp of each sign in the beginning and ending of these periods.

They also, find a good relationship with the person born just opposite to their sign December 21 to February 19.


Libra Marriage, Union, and Partnership

People born under the vibration of Libra find very favorable chances of success in partnership, union, and marriage with the people born under the same sign Libra September 21 to October 20, May 21 to June 20, January 21 to February 19, and 7 days cusp at the end and beginning of each of these time periods, also people born in the part of the year the exact opposite of their own sign means 21 March to the end of April.


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