21 Papaya Benefits for Skin Face and Health

Papaya Benefits for Skin

21 Papaya Benefits for Skin Face and Health 21 Papaya Benefits for Skin Face and Health – The plant kingdom is a vast repository of traditional and now modern medicines, which enhance immunity and ensures a healthier life. Over the centuries the plant papaya is a popular nutritional and medicinal plant. Each part of the papaya … Read more

Life death – Why are people afraid of dying

life death

Why are people afraid of dying Not only people but all the living being present over here afraid of dying. The main cause behind the fear is one of the exciting powers of the almighty GOD that is the illusion. Illusion trapped the human energy (Ego) and forces the human energy to faith only on … Read more

Why do people want to be remembered after they die?

Law of nature

Why do people want to be remembered after they die? The people want to be remembered after they die due to deep attachment. Attachment means the feeling of belongingness to all the objects that you collected and remain involved throughout life including your house, children, food and eating habits, wearables, and much more.   The … Read more