Why god comes in dream? According to Hindus or Hinduism

Gods and Goddess

Why god comes in dream? According to Hindus or Hinduism Why god comes in dream – Gods and Goddesses rarely come in dream. Generally, those who are devotees of Gods and Goddesses and very pious by heart, mind and soul can see God and Goddesses in their dreams. In such cases Gods and Goddesses gives … Read more

Hinduism definition, Origin, who where and when it is founded?

Hinduism definition Hinduism definition

What is Hinduism? What is Indus Valley Civilization? Hinduism definition – According to various evidences written in the Mahabharata, Anarta, Abhira, Dwarka, Sindhu-Sauvira, Sivi, Sudra and various other kingdoms existed during the war of Kurukshetra dated around 3067 BC. Kurukshetra war took place during the early time period of Indus Valley (Sindhu River Valley) Civilization … Read more