Consciousness and cosmic energy

why did god create the universe

Consciousness and cosmic energy Consciousness and cosmic energy – “The world is a cosmic play of cosmic energy (“Prana”)  and consciousness (“Chitta”). Cosmic energy or Prana is a force and Chitta is a Consciousness”. Where is cosmic energy or prana, there is consciousness. A living being is called “Prani” because it has the force and … Read more

Spirit Soul Body, How Soul enter into a Womb?

Spirit Soul Body

Spirit Soul Body How does a soul enter into a womb? Soul enters into a womb due to the law of Karma. Soul and supreme soul both are the same and one. The word ‘Soul’ is used here to refer to the spiritual element present everywhere whether that is a physical entity or a subtle … Read more

Does God exist? if yes, Where is God

Where is God does God exist

Does God exist? if yes, Where is God Does God exist? if yes, Where is God – Does God exist? Yes, Definitely, God exists. God is energy manifested everywhere in the form of nature, living beings, and other objects whether the object is an idol, stone, human being, thoughts, words, prayers, feelings, self-talk, visible, not … Read more