Dream about ex boyfriend Mystery, Truth & Telepathy

dream of ex husband

Dream about ex boyfriend The whole human life is nothing but a collection of temporary energies including desires, revenge, jealousy, love, attachments, passion, and much more. It is collectively called the ego or “I”. This is the energy only why you take birth again and again and also why you come in the contact with … Read more

100+ Dreaming of Fruits & Vegetables Meaning

Dreaming of Fruits Meaning

Dreaming of Fruits & Vegetables Meaning Dreaming of Fruits – Dreaming fruits & vegetable meanings are generally very auspicious for the coming life period. Eating fruits and vegetables have a different meaning from seeing fruits and vegetables in a dream. However, their actual meaning differs from culture to culture and place to place of people. … Read more

11+ Dream Meanings of diseases

Dreams of illness

What Dream Meanings if a Sick Person sees them? Falling Down in Dream Meanings If a person falls down in a dream it means that the disease may arise in the future days. Sinking in water in dream Meanings If a person sinks in water in a dream it indicates that the person will take … Read more