Satans quotes

satans quotes

Why would God create the Devil(Satan) knowing that he was going to revolt since God is omnipotent? God, Devas (Angels), and Devils (Satan) God is an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, and eternal cosmic soul. Other than angels (Devas), there are various energies derived from cosmic energy. Some of the derived energies work in the support of … Read more

Sound healing therapy, vibrational sound healing

vibrational sound healing SOUND HEALING THERAPY

Sound healing therapy, vibrational sound healing Sound healing therapy, vibrational sound healing – The sound has a vibrating force and a full of energy with the potential to influence all the objects of the cosmos and therefore, all the living beings and humans too. Varieties of sound can be used to cure all the physical, … Read more

Life death – Why are people afraid of dying

life death

Why are people afraid of dying Not only people but all the living being present over here afraid of dying. The main cause behind the fear is one of the exciting powers of the almighty GOD that is the illusion. Illusion trapped the human energy (Ego) and forces the human energy to faith only on … Read more