Spiritual Meaning of Colors – Color meaning and symbolism

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Spiritual Meaning of Colors – Color meaning and symbolism

Spiritual Meaning of Colors – Color meaning and symbolism – Colors have energy and every color says something, the need is to feel it and use its energy to empower you.

Colors influence your mind therefore always use colors that influence positively to you and your surroundings.

The whole universe is a mingle of three qualities – Satvic, Tamasic and Rajasic.

In accordance to the three qualities of the universe colors are also categorized into three groups –

  • Satvic colors,
  • Tamasic colors
  • Rajasic colors

Satvic colors

Satvic colors means spiritual purity . Wearing Satvic colors make your mind and thought spiritual and pure and helps in spiritual progress.


Tamsic colors

Tamasic colors mean spiritual ignorance.

Wearing Tamasic colors create obstacles in spiritual progress and force you to incline towards negative energies.


Rajasic colors

Rajasic colors mean activity or action. Wearing Rajasic colors force you to be active and indulge in luxury and materialistic world.

Detail list of colors and their support in your spiritual journey is as below-


Spiritual meaning of White color

White color means no color. White color never consumes any shade it reflects everything outside.

Spiritual person don’t want to take anything from anyone and therefore such person only gives and never expect anything.

Similarly, white color only reflects and never receives anything.

White color symbolizes purity of thought and mind, and spirituality and therefore helps in your spiritual journey.

White color is completely a Satvic color. It keeps your views Satvic and also spread Sativic qualities in your surroundings.

White is the best color if you are practicing spiritual activities such as worshiping God, mantra recitation, etc.

White color attracts positive energy and also spread positivity all around you.


White Peacock

Spiritual meaning of Yellow color

Yellow is a Sativic color. It keeps your views Satvic therefore supports in your spiritual journey.


Spiritual meaning of sky blue

Sky blue color is Satvic color. It keeps you Satvic and supports in your spiritual life and spiritual progress.


Spiritual meaning of Blue

Blue is also helpful in spiritual practices. It is also a Satvic color.


Spiritual meaning of light Pink

Light pink is good for spiritual practices it keeps you Satvic and helps in your spiritual journey.


Spiritual meaning of orange

Orange is a mixture of Satvic qualities and Rajasic qualities.

Orange color is a symbol of joy, passion, enthusiasm and victory.


Spiritual meaning of light green

It is a mix of Satvic and Rajasic features and gives you mix support in your spiritual life.



Spiritual meaning of Red

Red color is Rajasic color.  Red color neither helps in spiritual practices nor creates obstacles in your spiritual journey.

Red color symbolizes energy, passion and enthusiasm.

It is a symbol of beauty, and happiness.

Red color makes you happy and helps in your materialistic life.


Red Snake Dream meaning

Spiritual meaning of Dark Green Color

Dark green color have both the qualities of Rajasic color and Tamasic color.

It is not helpful in spiritual practices but create a little obstacle in your spiritual journey.


Spiritual meaning of light purple color

It has the feature of Rajasic and Tamasic both the qualities. Therefore creates mild obstacle in spiritual journey.


Spiritual meaning of dark purple

It has the qualities of both Tamasic and Rajasic color. It is more Tamasic than the light purple color, therefore comparatively more harmful in spiritual practices.


Spiritual meaning of brown and gray colors

These two colors are Tamasic colors hence, not good in your spiritual journey.


Spiritual meaning of Black

The main feature of black color is to observe. Therefore, it consumes everything present in the surroundings.

Similarly, if a person wears black color frequently the person start to consume surrounding energy in more frequency.

If surrounding is full of positive aura wear black to consume the positive aura.

Black color is completely Tamasic in quality. It makes you negative and forces you to be Tamasic. It creates obstacles in spiritual journey.

Black color distracts positive energy and attracts negativity and negative energy if surrounding have positive and negative both.

All the deities who fight for the benefit of the world are shown in the black color such as Lord Krishna, Lord Rama, Lord Shiva and Goddess Mahakali.


lord shiva dream


Spiritual impacts of Black color clothes on you

If you wear black color dresses frequently following things may be possible with you-

  • Your subtle body starts attracting Tamasic quality of objects
  • Your subtle body starts to emits Tamasic or negative energy in your surroundings
  • Your energy chakras start to cover via negative energy


Spiritual impacts of white color clothes on you

If you wear white color clothes frequently following things may be possible with you-

  • Your subtle body start to receive positive or Satvic energy from the surroundings
  • Your subtle body emits Satvic energy in the surroundings
  • You feel peace.


How much Satvic energy a person emits and receive it also depends on various factors such as

  • Food consumed by the person
  • Thought process of the person
  • Literature studied by the person
  • Friends and family of the person and their family norms and conditions
  • Mindset of the people who interact with the person, etc.


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