Spirituality Meaning – What Is Spirituality

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Spirituality Meaning – What Is Spirituality

Spirituality Meaning – What Is Spirituality – Spirituality is the science of spirit. Spirit is a non-physical part of a living being which is the seat of the ego, emotions or character, etc.

Characteristics of spirit are as below-

  • Spirits are beyond the five senses
  • Spirits can be seen by the person who is under the influence of the spirit or by the person who has six sense
  • Common people cannot see a spirit due to the limitation of physical consciousness
  • Spirit can be good and bad or we can say positive spirit and negative spirit
  • Positive spirit supports nature and people while negative spirit harms nature and people
  • Spirits which have lower consciousness level are governed by their unfulfilled desires while spirits that have a higher level of consciousness support nature and people both


Therefore, spirit means a subtle entity that can’t be seen with the physical eyes. Subtle entities can be seen via third eyes only.

Therefore, Science that can study the subtle phenomenon and subtle form of a living being is spirituality.

Also, the Science that can study everything in the form of energy is spirituality. Becuase in its subtle form the whole universe is energy including the following-

  • Living organism
  • Divine energies
  • Cosmic energy, nature or GOD
  • Ghosts
  • Negative and positive energies, etc.


Spirituality study the past, present, and future of all subtle entities or living being whether the living being is a human being or animal or bird, etc.

In fact, past present, and future all are associated with the physical being or with the physical body. Whether the physical body is of a human being or a bird or an animal.

Spirit has no past, present, and future. Spirit is constant energy enveloped in its EGO or  “I” energy. Once, this EGO dissolves, the spirit body vanished forever and liberate. EGO is the seed for each and every being, the root cause of new life again and again infinitely.

Spirituality is the science of all the sciences.  Spirituality is the way to understand the puzzle of life and death. Spirituality is the way to come close to the almighty God.


What are subtle entities?

A living being whether human or animals all are composed of two kinds of bodies –


Subtle body

Subtle body composed of your Ego. Ego is a flux of energy. These energies include the following types of energies-

  • Your experiences,
  • Your dreams and desires
  • Your attachments with people
  • Your attachments with your beloved
  • Your choices
  • Aggression
  • Feeling of revenge, love, hate, etc.

Collectively, all these energies make your EGO or your I.

The subtle body must have an EGO or “I” to survive otherwise it dies. The death of EGO is called Liberation or MOKSHA.


Physical body

The physical body is made up of food. It needs food to survive. Without food, it dies.


Similarly, there are two kinds of death-

  • Death of the physical body
  • Death of the subtle body

Death of the physical body

When any living being dies it is physical death. In this death, the only physical body dies and the subtle body which made up of EGO remains as it is and after death, it searches another physical body to fulfill its EGO, to fulfill its dreams and desires.

These dreams and desires are all related to love, hate aggression, drinking, eating, and enjoyments of senses. This cycle is infinite no end except the liberation.

Death of the subtle body

There is one more death, that is the death of EGO, death of dreams, death of desires, death of all kinds of love, hate, attachments, etc.

Death of a subtle body is complete death and is called liberation. After the death of EGO, the living being completely becomes one to supreme energy.


What is the supreme energy?

Supreme energy is this whole universe hence, called Brahmand in Sanskrit.

Supreme energy is absolute consciousness that makes everything conscious. It makes your subtle body-conscious. It makes your EGO conscious in order to survive one life after another life until liberation.

What is the subtle world?

The subtle world is the spirit world where all the spirits live and wait to get a new physical body again and again in order to fulfill desires.

The subtle world is comparatively more permanent than the physical world. But the subtle world is also not completely permanent.

The permanent is only supreme energy which makes the subtle world live and also the physical world live.

What is spirituality?

The science that can study the subtle world where spirits live is spirituality. The sciences that can make you understand about the spirits, about the spirit world, about the facts after the physical death is spirituality.

Spirituality makes you clear about the importance of the physical body as well as the subtle body. It can make you understand the subtle phenomena and their impact on your physical body such as –

What is anger? What is the real cause of anger? How your anger related to your past life realizations. How it impacts your physical body and also how it can influence your future lives too.

Similarly, what is forgiveness? How it is related to your physical body and your future incarnations. How forgiveness heals you and others.

It tells you the meaning of peace and how to attain mental peace. How to heal ourselves and others?

How to do telepathy? What is telepathy? How to communicate with God? Who is God? Where is supreme energy? How to interact with supreme energy? etc.

How to talk internally from distance, and much more subtle things


Spirituality can be understood through the following concepts-

Spirituality and Spiritual Maturity

Spirituality makes a person mature internally though his or her physical age may be small. Spirituality maturity doesn’t relate to physical age.

A spiritually mature person knows-


Spirituality is entirely different from religion. The meaning of religion is a duty. The duty of a human being is to do Karma.

How does Spirituality improve health?

Spirituality improves health definitely. Spirituality helps to balance your emotional body or emotional mechanism that is the root of your physical health resulting in your hormones start to work in support you.

Emotional imbalance is developed due to the following demerits or vices-


Speaking a lie

Some people speak lie a lot without giving any thought and any need of it. These types of people become habitual to speak lie.

Speaking a lie destroy the life force, luster, heart and mind all. Such types of people easily fall ill. Heart fail, mental disorder, stone and paralytic attack occur due to telling a lie.

Spirituality close you almighty God and forces you to speak truth.

If person speaks lie to console others or for the benefit of others, has no harm but falsehood for selfishness, due to habit formation or for hurting others is horrific and such type of practices must be restrained as it become the cause of miseries and illnesses in the life.


Egoism or Ahankara

The main cause of sin is abandoned egoism. It disturbs vatha, pitta and kapha and person becomes the victim of various spiritual, mental and physical disorders.

Egoism (Hindi: “Ahankara”) is the greatest enemy, it destroy peace of mind and rise anxiety and stress, which increase blood pressure, diabetes etc.

Egoism (Hindi: Ahankara) is the root of various vices. One who is free from egoism (ahankara) enjoys peace of mind and bliss.

Spirtuality dissolves egoism and balance all three elements of your body.


Jealous (“Irsha”)

[tweetthis]How the feeling of jealousy disturbs the liver? Click to know…[/tweetthis]

Feeling of jealous and hatred disturbs bile (pitta) element in the body. Such people effort to produce harm to others. They try to let down others in the public.

Such people cannot progress in life. They suffer from liver problems, acidity and stones.  Feeling of jealous creates liver problems, acidity and stones

Pride (“Dambh”)

Feeling of pride destroys phlegm in the body and person suffers diseases like bronchitis and breathing disturbances.

These people become fatty and easily become the victim of acidity and asthma.

Spirituality removes the feeling of pride and improves the health.


An angry person may harms others or not, it depends upon the destiny of the other people, but such person harms him or herself.

Angry person destroys its mind and body both. Due to anger mind needs more blood pressure, which harms life force. In the long run, such people easily get diseases like blood pressure, diabetes etc.

Adrenocorticotropic hormone ACTH, from the adrenaline gland, is secreted in response to anger, which then in turn help us to deal with the stresses occurred due to anger, but it gives the sign of aging on the body and also affects memory.

Spirituality calm you and prevent frequent thoughts of anger.



Violence derived from anger and pride. Blood of such people always remains hot and eyes colors red. The life force becomes weak.

These people have no soft feeling and always hurt others. They easily become the victims of heart diseases and lose longetivity due to disturbance in vatha, pitta and kapha.

Feeling of violence gives heart disease. Spirituality stay aways you from all the thoughts of violence.


Fraud is another form of violence. Such people use cunningness and sometimes do a black-magic to harm others and always make strategies to disturb and produce harm.

They disturb their vatha, pitta and kapha and easily fall ill, suffer from stress, anxiety and insanity.

If you suffer from a disease, it proves you have done something wrong in the present or some past lives. It is our deeds which harm us.

No one can hurt you except your karmas. Karmas follow you like your shadow. So to live happily spread happiness by your deeds and soul.

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