What is Spiritual awakening – 11 Definite Signs of spiritual Awakening

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What is Spiritual awakening – 11 Definite Signs of spiritual Awakening

What is Spiritual awakening? – Spiritual awakening means dissolving all kinds of illusions and seeing supreme energy all around inside and outside.

After Spiritual awakening the supreme divine energy starts to appear in and out everywhere.

Realization of divine all around and inside the body as a self transforms the human being completely.

It dissolves ego of the human being and removes all kinds of demerits of the person and the person becomes a true pure energy.

Due to this big transformation all the divine qualities start to develop in the person. This is a continuous growing process. As the person becomes more experienced, more divine traits develop in the person.


what is spiritual awakening


Important signs of spiritually awakened person are as below-


Spiritually awakened person has no Ego

Spiritually awakened person is ego less. However in the worldly behavior they appear as they have a ego, but internally they know that their ego is completely dissolved into the divine being.

Ego is the seed of life and death. This is the ego that forces a person to take birth again and again to fulfill hidden desire.

No ego means no further birth. The line written by saint Kabir are true that-


जब मैं था तब हरि नहीं अब हरि है मैं नाहीं ।
प्रेम गली अति सांकरी जामें दो न समाहीं ॥

-Saint Kabir

It means till I have ego (I) there is no God at all. But now when my ego is dissolved God appears in me and outside me. Only God appears everywhere.

Because in this divine love there is no scope of two people only one can live in one body either God or I.

Persons speaks truth after spiritual awakening

Spiritually awakened person speaks truth only. But for the benefits of others such people never hesitate to speak false.

Such person knows very well that he or she is continues observation of divine energy hence; such person cannot speak the words that he or she doesn’t want to hear from others.


Love to nature

Spiritually awakened person know that God is nature and nature is God. Hence such person loves to nature, sit in the nature and enjoy the nature.



Empathy is the basic trait of a spiritually awakened person. Such person feels others pain directly and sometimes very advanced spiritually awakened persons are capable to heal others from their pains.


Love to live alone

Spiritually awakened person loves to live alone. They sit alone, do introspection and enjoy divine in the loneliness.

Such kinds of persons capable to hear the divine, speak with the divine and enjoy the divine.


what is spiritual awakening

Enjoy living with divine

Spiritually awakened person feels like to live with like minded people in order to discuss the divine, understand the divine and share realizations with like minded people.


Like worshiping, and mantra chanting

Spiritually awakened person knows the energy of mantra and worshiping. This worshiping can be in various forms like Yagya, idol worship, mantra chanting, etc.

Every act exhibits some kinds of energy. Divine act exhibits divine energy that not only heals the divine person but also heals the persons who live in the surrounding of the divine person.

Collect Good Karmas

Such kind of spiritually awakened persons do the karma that not only heals their mind and body but that heals others too.

They know that there is no more birth for them but even then it is not possible for them to hurt others because they see their beloved divine in all the creatures whether that is living or not living.

The whole journey of a human being is a spiritual journey that transforms human being into the divine being.

No one is ahead and no one is behind. Everyone is walking in the spiritual path in their own ways.


what is spiritual awakening

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