Words have Power Think Before you Speak

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Words have power more than the Power of weapons, always think before you speak.

Words have tremendous power. They can kill life and can give life.

The power of words never destroyed, it stored in the chakras of a human being and remains there until the time and space come to release the stored energy.

This energy resides in the chakras until releases.

Hence, always speak healing words as much as you can. Healing words, not only heals listeners, but they heal speakers too.

Such energy releases when the same person, for whom the words were spoken earlier, comes before you in the same lifetime or in some future lifetime.

The words which you don’t like for yourself, never speak for others.

Whatever you throw into the ether, come back to you”. So, be careful with your words and think before you speak.

God is the supreme energy. God has multiple energies. Speech or words are one of such energies.

Words have Power that Releases the Potential of God

Shakti or energy is the feminine counterpart of God who releases the potential of God from spirit to matter.

All the energies have given a name. The energy of words or speech is named as Goddess Saraswati or Goddess of words.

Think Speak

Shakti or energy is the feminine counterpart of God who releases the potential of God from spirit to matter.

 Goddess Saraswati is a mother of the Vedas. Goddess Saraswati is there, where word exists.

What we speak that dissolves in our chakras and remains there until the time come to release them, whether it is prayer, boon, or a curse.

Words have Power that Reflects in Prayers and Curses

“There is no breakage of prayers and curses”, Says Vedas.


Everyone must speak consciously. Every spoken word has great power.

Never speak words which harm anyone, whether it is the speaker itself or another person. Cursing is a sin, says Manu Smriti.

A thought is the driving Force of Words

The driving force of words is thought. So, think before you speak and be careful about your thoughts, they can become your words any time.

Choose words carefully. Wrong words can have the following impacts on the speakers and listeners:

  1. They can harm
  2. They can kill motivation
  3. They can give diseases
  4. They destroy once life
  5. Kill relations
  6. Curses can destroy not one life, but so many lives of both the person; speaker, and listener, therefore always think before you speak.

Curses make the lives hell. Presently, Bhangardh: Ghosts Town, is the live example of the curse of a person living in the Bhangardh. Our Vedas and Puranas have many real stories of prayers, blessings, and curses.

Similarly, positive words have healing impacts.

  1. Words can heal not only mental and spiritual disorders but physical diseases also, as sometimes the roots of physical diseases are anxieties, stresses, and depressions which can be vanished in a moment by the healing words.
  2. Positive words can save a life.
  3. Words inculcate motivation and give confidence
  4. Words empower relationships.
  5. Words have the potential to change once attitude


There is no breakage of blessings and curse, use them wisely.

Words come from our thoughts. The thought is another wonderful energy of cosmic energy.

Don’t Miss – Where do Your thoughts come from?

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